the internet hates me, it only works when i don't really have much time to use it. this morning i got up early to go somewhere and it was working, then i ended up not going and sat down thinking well i might as well take advantage of the internet working and my extra time. but guess what. as soon as i had time it decided not to work. of course. now its working for the moment. we'll see if it works long enough for me to finish this blog...so here is a quick update on my week: case of the mondays running through my head as usual monday morning, how long can this cold last really and can't someone make a cold medicine that works the way tylenol used to with pseudoephedrine, people who outsource customer service to india pretty much have given up on that part of their company and are basically saying that as a customer i am not only on my own but good luck getting ahold of someone in another country that barely speaks english and will not be able to help me at all, finally saturday, alice in wonderland, SO good, walk into macy's to hear my favorite singers on the speakers and stood in happy shock in the middle of the store, now sunday, movies on the couch and discovery channel. i hate daylight savings. i hope i don't lose this now because i can't stand doing things twice.

no, those aren't palm trees...i'm not sure what they are or what possessed our neighbors to create them. but i wouldn't say its a bad idea to make it look a little more tropical around here, maybe it will inspire the weather to cooperate.

we have very environmentally conscious dogs. in an effort to clean up the neighborhood they travel around picking up our neighbors garbage and deposit it in our yard, as close to the garbage can as they can make it without thumbs and a little more height.

as a distraction to driving i started taking pictures with my phone on my way home, safer than texting i think...at least i was looking up...so here are a few pictures on the move.

wow you're driving pictures are great! i still can't believe you heard us playing in Macy's. i hope you weren't lying because we sort of loitered in a Macy's today under various speakers with fingers crossed that we might hear our song playing in public but it didn't happen...
i don't think i could make that kind of thing up. it was definitely you, i wish you could have been there. probably you'll hear it when you least suspect it though.