i used to be afraid of the dark. as most children are, terrified of what might be lurking in the shadows waiting to chase me up the basement stairs of my childhood home or jump out from under my bed just as the lights went off. i grew up in a religious environment so my monsters took on the characteristics of demons and fallen angels. when it's eternal life at stake, those demons can be scarier than the average ghoul in the closet. i'm not a child anymore. at some point i stopped being afraid of the dark, instead embracing it for its beauty and mystery. don't get me wrong, i still wake up from routine nightmares wishing it were light again so my racing heart would slow and my brain calm enough for me to sleep again. aside from this, darkness doesn't scare me anymore. sometimes its only in the dark, as your eyes adjust completely, that you can finally see clearly into the darkest parts of your heart...
the basement was the worst, especially when the fireplace was down there. i don't know how you lived down there with all those ghosts...and mice.
i had a dream last night that i woke up and my glasses weren't on the ground by the bed where i always set them. i searched everywhere in a panic...of course i also ended up in the basement of the old house, when we lived down there (before dad built the house on top).. sifting through rooms full of cluttered cupboards and dusty shelves. it was dark and dirty and i was completely blind and had to rely on feeling my way around. no monsters though. so thats good.