my very first dentist was named dr. blessing, and he really was a great dentist. after the first visit, preceded of course with the ritualistic stories of giant needles and huge drills meant to drill deep into my teeth, i never was afraid to go see him. since him i have been to many dentists some good and way too expensive some affordable and not so great. currently (since i have insurance and can go to a decent one) i'm going to a dentist named dr. voltz who seems to be a perfectionist and very detail oriented which is what a person looks for in someone who is sticking a drill inside their mouth. however he is a little odd, for instance when he wants me to stick my tongue out he says "ok now can you stick your lil tongue out?" making it hard for me not to laugh at him while trying to keep my mouth open and my tongue out, also as he works he tells me what a good job i'm doing, as if i should win some award for sitting there perfectly still while he does all the work...so today i went in to fix a broken filling, i knew i had an appointment, but at lunch time i decided it would be a good idea to have some salsa with a ton of garlic in it. it was really good. i got almost done eating and realized that later that day i would be sitting in a chair, mouth gaping, people hovering right above me unable to avoid the smell. so i bought some coffee and chewed as much gum as i could, to cover it up as much as possible...they moved my appointment up two hours...and it didn't work. i realized that they were working as far away from my face as they could get without getting so far away that they couldn't see and they kept telling me to turn away further so i was more at an angle, and i don't think it was so they could see a different part of my tooth. the nurses there are all really sweet too, they didn't say anything. but here is how i imagine the conversation went after i left.
nurse#1: (looking at nurse #2 with big eyes eyebrows raised) Wow.
nurse#2: (with shocked expression hand covering mouth) seriously, what kind of a jerk eats that much garlic right before a dentist appointment.
nurse#3: (shaking head) i mean did we miss a clove hidden under her tongue or something,
how is it even possible that it was THAT strong.
nurse #2: (spraying air freshener and lighting a candle) thanks a lot for making her turn
towards me the whole time i almost passed out...thank goodness i was chewing gum
that at least kept me from gagging.
nurse #3:(opening window and sticking her head out) well what was i suppose to do i was
tearing up and i was the one doing all the work, lets mark her file so we know to get
one of the other nurses to work on her. we can go to lunch or something and hand her
off to some other poor unsuspecting soul. i just don't understand it...does she think
we're vampires or what?