Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the mailbox bandits

for awhile now the area that i live in has been the victim of mailbox bandits. they are most likely local teenagers, bored with life with nothing better to do than drive around and smash mailboxes. earlier this summer we thought the problem had been solved because some boys in their brand new truck with a brand new license got caught doing just that and the poor spoiled boy had to face his father and community service. apparently either he didn't learn his lesson, or there is another hoodlum looking to emulate this mastermind of a criminal.
a few weeks ago leaving my house on a sunday morning i noticed the mailboxes on either side of us were missing. my first thought was at least they missed ours and at least i got the mail. driving further down the street i noticed that ours might just be the only untouched mailbox. turning down the next street i found the same thing, battered mailboxes, some with mail strewn across peoples lawns. i began to worry that the only standing mailbox might weigh on the mailbox bandits mind until he returned to make sure we all new, he is here, he will not be ignored, he really doesn't like mailboxes. all the residents could do as they woke up that day was go out and pick up the pieces. now driving down our street is like driving through a mailbox hospital, all of them tied or taped down with dents and bruises some hanging on to their posts for dear life, cowering in fear. just like the mailbox bandits wants them too, and he will return, just when the last box and been righted and they are finally starting to settle on their posts again. he will return.


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